The Secretariat of the Architecture for REDD+ Transactions (ART) announces that it will initiate a process to review its standard, The REDD+ Environmental Excellence Standard (TREES), in August 2024. ART’s governance requires this review every three years to build on the experiences gained implementing TREES and to continue to align with emerging best practice.

To ensure the review process is effective and inclusive, the ART Secretariat will proactively solicit stakeholder input. ART’s review process includes the following stages:

  1. Engaging in targeted dialogues with key stakeholders, including governments, Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities (IPLCs), NGOs, civil society and technical service providers, to gather inputs and experiences implementing TREES 2.0;
  2. Identifying elements that may benefit from updates and working with expert committees, as appropriate, to draft proposed revisions;
  3. Publishing a Board-approved draft revised version of TREES for public comment;
  4. Gathering feedback through a 60-day public comment period;
  5. As approved by the ART Board, modifying the revised draft based on public comments received; and 
  6. Publishing TREES 3.0 as approved by the ART Board. 

To ensure the efficacy and inclusivity of the review process, ART has established an Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities (IPLC) advisory committee to assist with orchestrating and conducting in-person regional dialogues with other IPLC organizations and to provide substantive input on proposed revisions to TREES. Additional committees may be formed as appropriate.

The ART Secretariat plans to begin the targeted dialogues during the summer of 2024. The formal review of TREES by the ART Secretariat will occur in the fall and winter of 2024. It is anticipated that a draft revised version of TREES for public comment will be released in the spring of 2025, with a final version (TREES 3.0) targeted for publication in mid- to late-2025. 

ART will make announcements throughout the review process to ensure that all stakeholders are aware of the opportunities to provide feedback.