Lucia Ruiz

Lucia Ruiz, the former Minister of Environment and former Vice Minister of Strategic Management of Natural Resources, is a lawyer with completed studies of master’s degree in business administration and completed studies of master’s degree in sustainable development, as well as complementary studies in governance and political management, environmental and natural resources law, public management, among other. With more than 25 years of work experience, 20 of them dedicated to design and implement public policies related to protected natural areas and natural resource management, with an emphasis on forest and water resource management, as well as with social and environmental issues concerning IPLC rights and capacities to manage their lands and natural resources. In this regard she has vast practical field experience in helping strengthen the capacities of local populations to fully participate in the management of Natural Protected Areas in the Peruvian Amazon. She also has very relevant experience in working with multi-lateral agencies such as the World Bank, Inter-American Development Bank., as well Global Environment Facility and Green Climate Fund. She currently is professor of Water Law and is also a renowned speaker at various national and international events, regarding natural resources and protected natural areas.

Lucia Ruiz

Board of Directors

The Advisory Board oversees ART’s implementation in accordance with the evolving UNFCCC processes and guarantees good governance, transparent rules, and processes that assure quality and adequate safeguards. ART Advisory Board members have all agreed to the ART Board Charter and the ART Ethical Standard. Advisory Board members serve in their personal capacities, not as representatives of their organizations or of particular stakeholder groups.

ART Advisory Board Meeting Minutes are available to the public.


The ART Secretariat, hosted by Winrock International, is responsible for the operation of the ART program, including the development of The REDD+ Environmental Excellence Standard (TREES) and overseeing the registration, verification and issuance of Board-approved TREES Credits on the ART registry.