Mindy Syfert

Senior Technical Manager

As a Senior Technical Manager, Mindy provides forest carbon and land cover change expertise on all aspects of implementation of ART’s REDD+ crediting programs. Prior to ART, she worked on applied landscape ecology projects with Harvard University, UC Berkeley, Stanford University, and NASA Ames. She also has experience working on forest carbon projects in Africa as well as forest management and GHG accounting reporting for US timberland assets.

Mindy holds a PhD from the University of Cambridge in Plant Sciences. Her Microsoft Research funded PhD research focused on predictive habitat distribution modeling in Central America of poorly known plant species with an aim to discern biodiversity patterns and inform IUCN Red List conservation assessments. Mindy also has a BA in Geography from Clark University and an MA from the University of Denver.

Mindy Syfert

Board of Directors

The Advisory Board oversees ART’s implementation in accordance with the evolving UNFCCC processes and guarantees good governance, transparent rules, and processes that assure quality and adequate safeguards. ART Advisory Board members have all agreed to the ART Board Charter and the ART Ethical Standard. Advisory Board members serve in their personal capacities, not as representatives of their organizations or of particular stakeholder groups.

ART Advisory Board Meeting Minutes are available to the public.


The ART Secretariat, hosted by Winrock International, is responsible for the operation of the ART program, including the development of The REDD+ Environmental Excellence Standard (TREES) and overseeing the registration, verification and issuance of Board-approved TREES Credits on the ART registry.